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Whole-House Audio: How Does it Work?

A bright, modern living room with in-ceiling whole-house audio speakers.

The Home Installation of Every Music Lover’s Dreams 

Remember the days before Wi-Fi, when you could only access the internet on one computer in the house? Today, we can use the internet in any room and outdoors, too, freely searching and streaming wherever we please. 

Now apply that same freedom to your music listening. Rather than staying tethered to your headphones or living room speaker system, you can listen to your favorite music and podcasts anywhere in the house—and even in the backyard

A whole-house audio system distributes music to a network of speakers across your Bellevue, WA, home, so as you walk from room to room, you’re still immersed in the song. Yet whole-home audio isn’t installed as simply as plugging in a speaker. Here’s how it works. 


14683 NE 95th ST
Redmond, WA 98052


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