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What Makes High-End Speakers “High-End”?

Two high-end speakers and a subwoofer in a home.

How to Spot Quality Audio  

If you’re a music enthusiast who’s thinking about upgrading your sound system, you may be wondering which speakers are “the best.” Is there a noticeable difference in speakers with a higher price tag—and is that difference worth it? 

In short, yes. There is an undeniable difference between low-grade and high-end speakers. In fact, we invite you to visit our showroom in Bellevue, WA, and hear the brilliance for yourself! But until then, we’ll explain in this blog post what makes some speakers “high-end” and how you can find premium speakers. 

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Bring New Dimensions with Home Theater Speakers

Home theater space with in-wall Monitor Audio speakers and a wall-mounted TV, featuring a LaLa Land movie still.

Discover How Surround Sound Elevates the Music and Movies You Love

Why is it that movies have the power to stir the soul, excite all our senses, and even cause us to introspect? Psychologists postulate that an engaging storyline's visual stimulation and thrill act as cathartic agents, offering us a chance to suspend ourselves in the moment.

Whether you’re thrilled by the high-octane Marvel superhero franchise or swoon at the golden age of Hollywood classics, it is the home theater speakers that help to generate the intimacy, anticipation, and suspense. Robert Bresson, the notorious and provocative French film director, believed the audio is its own character, stating: “Cinematography is a writing with images in movement and with sounds.”

Are you curious about experiencing more of the movies and music you love? Keep reading below to discover the possibilities for your smart home in Seattle, WA.

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